Monday, December 3, 2012

6 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Launch Your Product

We have previously discussed the questions you must ask yourself before you launch your product and go live with it. Out of the twelve questions, I have told you about the first six, and here are the rest of them.

1) Is my product or service priced competitively?

The trick is to find the best price for your product. The price of a product determines how the customers perceive the product, and what they perceive the product is worth. If you under price your product, the customer might think that it is of low quality and wont buy it, and over pricing would limit the amount of customers that can afford the product. Try out different prices for your product and stick with the one that results in the most sales.

2) What are the possibilities for the growth and the "back-end" sales?

This basically means, indentifying whether you can sell the same customers the same product over and over again. It is possible for things like soft drinks; you can sell the same drink to the same customers over and over again, however with things like an office desk, you might want sell additional items along with the desk in the long run.

3) Is the product or service you're selling, safe?

Although most of us sell things with clean intentions and do not mean any harm to our customers, it is quite possible for your product to be unsafe without you even realizing it. An unsafe product can lead to you being sued. Hence you must check and then re-check for any possibilities of your product being unsafe.

4) Can advertising copy promote your product?

This part follows up from after the product launch. You need to recognize whether your product needs to have itself illustrated to the fullest before the customers would consider buying it, or whether ad copy would work for your product.

5) Are you going to have to manage inventory?

An immobile inventory can be costly. Your product may expire, get lost, break, get stolen etc. all this is going to cost you money and you need to realize what you can do with the standing inventory. Getting rid of excess stock is also a step that should be taken and in many cases a sale always helps.

6) Is your product or service good enough for yourself? Would you buy it? This is also a very important question. Since your selling your product and testifying for it, you need to ask yourself if you would buy your own product, this question would help you pin point any flaws you might be making.

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Launch Now Or Die - Why You Need a Product Launch

Having spoken to hundreds of speakers and promoters, a commonly phrased question, especially among the veteran speakers, is: "Is the product launch a fad?" Phrased another way: "Can I just ignore it and continue doing marketing to fill rooms and/or speak at live events?"

While nobody can predict the future, it's instructive to look at historical trends. We contend that the Internet has proven to be the most efficient means of distribution and has wiped out companies that have high overheads. Let's look at what's happened in other industries and why you must do a product launch immediately.

In the mid 1990s, as the Internet came on the scene, executives at traditional businesses (also known as brick and mortar companies) dismissed the Internet as a curiosity. That is, they simply could not envision a day where day to day commerce would be done over the Internet.

One very enterprising entrepreneur, Jeff Bezos, "got it" and decided to quit his high-paying hedge fund position to launch what is now known as Many much larger companies that didn't "get it" never managed to catch up and were left behind.

As a point of reference, has over the twice the profit margins of traditional retail businesses due to the efficiency of marketing online and being able to serve a global marketplace ( also enjoys a much larger market capitalization vs. much larger retailers such as Barnes & Noble, thus creating phenomenal wealth for its investors).

Likewise, other industries, such as the travel industry and the stock brokerage industry, ignored the Internet at their peril. Ask yourself this question: when was the last time you called a travel agent to make a plane (or hotel) reservation vs. just booking it online? Likewise, for those of you that own stocks, when was the last time you called a broker to trade stocks vs. going online?

Similarly, the realtor industry has gone through its share of upheavals as well. In a recent National Association of Realtors (NAR) survey, over 85% of homebuyers first go online to do research before calling a realtor.

As a final example, a significant reason that Apple has managed to come back from the brink of bankruptcy to become a market leader is because of how well they have managed their product launches. Witness the ubiquity of the iPod, the iPhone and several products which are now household names.

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Creating an Effective Planned Product Launch

I'm sure you have seen it on TV or on the news where large businesses have sold thousands of their new products in record time. You probably sit there wondering "how on earth can someone do that?" Well now its time to put you out of your misery.

The key to being successful in your business is to have an effective planned product launch. The key word in this sentence is "planned". Without having a plan you are more like a "needle in a hay stack". If you think that setting up an effective plan for a successful product launch is a walk in the park then think again. It takes weeks of hard work and precision for everything to work out effectively. You need to sit down and discuss on what you plan to do and how you plan to achieve it. Your plan must include a list of tasks and an assignment of who in your organization will perform each task on your list.

There are two different types of launches; one being a hard launch that is based over a fixed period of time and the other being a soft launch which just "goes with the flow". You need to decide which one to go with and why. It has been recommended by various experts that you should go with a blend of both to achieve optimum results. The approach you choose at the end of the day will all come down to your product and how far finished it is. If you are still developing a few changes then it is ideal to go with the soft launch.

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Product Launching 101 - The Best Way to Setup and Manage an Ecourse

Many people wonder what is the best way to set up an ecourse; the truth be told there is no best way. You can use an autoresponder with a link to a pdf file of the course, or have the body of your course delivered by an autoresponder, you can even publish your ecourse on a website and simply direct your members to that page. Whichever way you choose is just as good as the other. Each one of these ways has there own pros and cons.

Let's look at a link to a PDF first. The best thing about the PDF is the subscriber can print out the file and store it to look at it at a more suitable time. They can also save the file on their hard drive for later referring to. The bad thing about this is that if they don't have the required software to open PDF files then they won't be able to view it.

Now lets look at a webpage link. The great thing about this all of what you have to offer is at the readers finger tips. You can put different links in the web pages for all to view. Even add your affiliate links in the pages for more traffic to them as well. The bad thing is that so many people use this method that many get tired of opening new links so the chances of them clicking on the other links is not so great. If you can't grab their attention right a way you may lose them from your page.

And the last one to look at is the content in the body of an email. The great thing about this is you are making it easy for the viewer to get the information and read it on their time without having to go somewhere else to read it. Everyone opens there email daily so it's right there waiting on them to read. The bad thing is if you make it to long the people might get bored and erase it for good!

So as you can see each one of these methods are good and are bad in some way! If you can create a combination of these methods then you have a better chance of capturing your audience's attention and keeping it!

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Product Launch Strategy - The Five P's of Your Launch

Even though times have changed, the traditional methods of being able to have effective product launches still remain the same. Even though we are faced with a difficult financial crisis at the current time, this does not mean that the foundations that have been followed for many years need any change. The basic marketing tools known as the 5 "Ps" are still the most effective way to product launching. The 5 "P's" stand for Promotion, Place, Price, Product and Packaging. These are known to be effective regardless of whether you're launching a product online or offline. If you are planning to launch a product any time soon than make sure you give the 5 "P's" some form of consideration.

1. Product - This is the main part of your entire marketing campaign. Without a great product you don't really have much to work with. For this reason you have to make sure that you have got your market research right. It is very important to make sure that you have met all the requirements that a consumer would want in the product you are offering. You need to make sure that all your products are of great quality and that can be relied on as well. After all it is not a stroll through the park in order to achieve the trust of your customers. The product you are offering will be the so called first impression on your company's reputation. For this reason it is very important that you get everything right. The main goal in terms of your products is to meet your customer's expectations.

2. Price - This is also quite an important factor in more terms that one. Seeing that you will be competing against other competitors, you have to make sure that you offer a price that will make customers want to come and buy your product instead. Don't just price your product out of thin air. Make sure you do your market research and based on the quality and benefits of your product, price your item accordingly. One thing you should keep in mind is that with the current credit crunch, many will be looking at ways to cut down on their spending. For this reason you have to make sure your price appeals to a wide range of audience.

3. Packaging - The packaging of your product is also like the first impression of what you have to offer. You need to make sure that your packaging is both attractive and safe. Safe in the sense that it provides adequate protection to the product it is holding. Unless you have an attractive packaging, you won't be able to attract possible customers.

4. Place - This is one of the most important factors when it comes to the actual launch of the product. You need to decide on the perfect location that will allow you to maximise the possible customers. Try choosing a location that has a lot of people passing by on a regular basis.

5. Promotion - This also is known to play a key role in advertising and the launch of the product itself. You need to carefully decide on the approach that you will promote your product in comparison to your other competitors.

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A Cost Effective Product Launch

One of the most existing moments for entrepreneurs is launching their product. Many however fall short of meeting their initial expectations, this results in a hit to the bottom line of the marketer and leaves them wondering what went wrong.

To avoid this unwanted situation, entrepreneurs should be open to understanding some basic facts. During the launch phase the only one who is concerned about your new product is you. You need to find a way to change this fact and get other people interested in your product.

You must provide your prospects with an education on why they need your product. What will benefit them by buying your product? Simply appearing on the scene with a new product telling people to buy it will not make you successful.

It is liken to the question concerning the chicken and the egg, which came first? The same applies to your product, what comes first? Developing consumer interest in your product or advertising your product. Some think these are the same thing but they are actually quite different.

When you begin to present information online about your new product you need to take the patience and tolerance of online consumers into consideration. Today's consumers are easily distracted and prone to boredom. If they are not entertained or intrigued by compelling content they will quickly leave your website and miss the story of your product. You need to provide them interesting and meaningful information that will directly affect them or interest them in your product.

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Best Product Launching - Ways to Launch a Product

I have launched 7 products in the last 8 months, which is not my specialty, but am compelled to discuss. I am not into launching million dollar products but rather focusing instead on fifty thousand dollar launches.

I did some calculations when I first started to determine the caliber of product launches to target. I figured there were very few million dollar launches and most launches were around fifty thousand dollars.

As an example there was someone who decided to use an affiliate processor to do payments which they charged a few percent, plus he provides 70% commission to launch. Then they keep 25% of the money that is generated.

If this is the case then on a $50,000 launch their profit is $12,500. This is great news but since their method of operation is to develop the products, then let the market push the product by others promoting it, they then develop a new product next month to keep the cycle going.

The way I approach it is currently I am at $12,000 per month and the only people I sell to are the people on my prospect list. So I do not have to give away 75% of every dollar that is generated to make the same amount so I do not work as hard. Since I do not have hundreds of affiliates, I do not have many issues. The other thing is since I am only selling one fourth as many products my customer service less than one fourth of theirs. In any event this is my view on product launches.

If you want to learn more about my approach you need to review my brand new guide to article marketing success, entitled 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'.

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Launch Your New Product With a Bang!

Many companies attempting a new product launch are concerned about how to create a successful launch. Introducing a new product in the market, it an important task that has to get your prospects attention. Today's market is extremely competitive, making a new product launch much more difficult. The market is also swamped with existing products making it difficult for your launch to be a huge impact on consumers.

In order to make a big impact on your product market you need to carefully plan your launch and have a strong marketing campaign that will distinguish your product from others on the market. Take your time and carefully plan your approach prior to announcing your product launch. It is extremely vital to understand how to execute a new product launch. Examine every step and process in your marketing strategy to ensure your success and allow your product to be competitive in the market. Do not overlook or dismiss the smallest detail, every step is essential to your success.

Apply proven marketing techniques to your launch such as creating teasers around your product. Launch a teaser campaign that will peak the curiosity of your prospects. Sparking curiosity in the market place can ignite a word of mouth campaign prior to your launch date. The movie industry uses this technique to spark interest in movie goers by releasing film clips of their up and coming releases.

The most important aspect of a product launch is ensuring your product is ready, and equally important is the readiness of your ability to accept and process orders, payments and shipments of your product once released. If your product is available prior to your release date, ensure your ordering processing system is in place and functioning. Be prepared for your customers.

If you are providing product testing by prospects prior to your release date, solicit feedback or surveys from those early customers.

Setup an affiliate or joint venture partner program to help market and sell our products. Provide incentives to your affiliates and partners that will generate interest in moving your product. This will increase your business and product success. This new marketing strategy is being used by many companies and proven to be successful at expanding their market presence, products and company.

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Best Product Launching - Ways to Launch a Product (Part II)

Since I used most of part I article to discuss why I launch products the way I do, I will use part II to talk about how I do it.

I use a very easy theory around internet business which consists of the two most important things that matter, traffic and conversions.

If you multiple website traffic by the number of conversions by the average price of your product, you produce revenue. If you want to increase your revenue, then you will need to increase your website traffic, conversions or product price, or a combination of the three.

When launching a product the first thing to do is to make sure your product is in front of the right people. I emphasis right people rather than merely increasing website traffic, and you need to attract many new people to view your product.

So how do you get lots of people to view your products on your website? I build a huge list of prospects and I send emails to those people announcing my product launch. So that is how I approach launching new products.

To create your initial prospect list, which is the traffic part of the equation, is accomplished by writing articles like this one and adding links at the bottom of the article to my website for people to click and view my product offerings.

That is referred to as article marketing. Now you have my approach to launching products. Write and publish articles, people read the articles, click on the links, subscribe to your products, and then they buy the products. It is that easy.

If you want to learn more about my approach, I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'.

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Elements That Make Up a 7 Figure Launch

A 7 figure launch is a significant milestone and it's always great to be part of one. Beyond all the other factors that have been mentioned, there are specific things that have to be present for a 7 figure launch to happen.

Tons of qualified visitors to the offer in a short period: The only way to generate enough qualified visitors to the site in a very short time period, and the only way to do that is through massive JV support.

There must be at least one high-priced product in the sales process: If you want to reach $1 million with a $1,000 product, you only have to sell 1000 units. If you are only selling a $100 product, you would have to sell 10,000 units. While the latter is doable, it is much, much harder because it requires an enormous amount of traffic. Outside of certain industries, such as the Internet marketing niche, there may not be enough available traffic in the entire industry to sell enough $97 units to hit $1 million, hence the need to sell higher-priced products. A more advanced strategy is to have multiple upsells, thus creating more dollar per customer.

There must be enough opportunities to sell: Another common mistake is to sell only via the Internet. A more powerful model is to integrate in multiple channels including doing webinars and phone sales and do it repeatedly. This is a more reliable strategy than sending more visitors to the site, which is not always possible in small niches.

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Achieve Your Launch Dreams - 10 Steps in Launching a New Product to Number 1

As fewer products get approved by the FDA it is critical to find a proven method to maximize products that go to market. I believe everyone wants to accomplish astonishing things, but they do not always understand how to make that happen. We want a quick guide to provide a way to make our product number #1. To accomplish this I created the top 10 steps in launching a new product to #1.

Where to start

I started after 5 to 6 years as an above average sales person. I did not understand the secrets to success nor want to take extra steps to attempt for more. I was being recruited by top DM's in our company due to a company realignment. I was presented with an opportunity that would change my life, a chance to launch 3 new products in one year. Now I needed to figure out the true secrets to launching a product to #1. With my curiosity, competitiveness, ability to ask questions and friends with great sales records, I created a top ten list of things to lead me to success.

The list

I combined my experience and understanding of key components that led to my previous successes. I am competitive and passionate, believing in outperforming and driving sales results by focusing on top customers. I saw top performers winning Presidents Council, 32" TVs. I found winners willing to share key beliefs. This armed me for my own stardom. Everyone agreed the entire office sell and programming on your product the first 2-3 months was critical. They agreed that bringing the patient to life to know who to write for and present your full message was crucial. You get one time to present it all and as a business owner the ability to make quick decisions and promotes your business. One area everyone agreed on was the idea of not just asking for business but negotiating with them to excel and expect something extraordinary, which I have coined as "Making Action".

Did it work?

Gathering this information from my and other's sales career, I decided to put it to use over the next year. I applied it to my 3 new launches which quickly worked. I modified my approach to meet this list, applying it to the first launch early that year then to the next two launches. By using this method I finished the year as #1 on 2 launches and #3 on the other. I finished #1 for total portfolio, #1 in the nation, and sales rep of the year. I have provided these 10 steps to others while I moved on to a DM spot over the past 9 years leading to many Presidents Council winners, #1 sales representatives, sales reps of the year, and many promotions. It worked for me and others I have coached to success.

Top 10 Steps in launching a product to #1

1. Passion and energy are key to winning 2. Outperform and outwork your competitors 3. Frequency rules are applied by seeing the best often 4. Programming is vital so advertise aggressively the first 2-3 months 5. Office selling is needed to inform everyone 6. Full Message is important so you have 1 time to introduce everything 7. Bring the patient to life and who do they write your product for? 8. Think as a business owner and make quick decisions and drive business 9. Make customers want to see you 10. Take Action!!

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Advanced Product Launch Secrets - How to Gain a Stampede of New Customers in Your Business

One of the most important aspects of your business is your product launch. Getting this right is vital to your business success. In this article I include strategies to help you initiate a successful product launch resulting in new customers to grow your business.

1) Save visitor's names and email addresses

Offer visitors compelling information to drive traffic to your website. Capture the visitor's name and address so you can follow up with an email to build a trusted relationship. Most people need to see your message at least seven times before they become a consumer. Sending visitors an email can greatly increase your conversion rate of new buyers of your product.

There are many ways you can capture a visitor's name and email address on your website. You can have an unblockable popup or a subscription box at the top of the page. This will provide a mechanism for visitors to opt-in or sign-up to receive more information about your product or coming products.

2) Find partner affiliates

Find companies who will help you promote your product. There are many companies which can contribute some of their success to the thousands of people promoting their products through partnerships or affiliations. This method allows affiliates to promote or sell more of your company's products than you could do on your own. Recruit an affiliate manager to train as many affiliates and partners as possible. The more people you have promoting your product the faster your business will grow.

3) Advertise your product prior to releasing it

To generate excitement about your new product send emails to prospects and existing customers announcing its coming release. This will entice potential buyers and to pre-order or be ready to purchase your product when it is released.

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Product Launch 101 - New Product Launch Tips

If you are creating a new product launch to sell your products on the internet or from a physical location, there are some standard procedures which can help keep you on track.

The most important thing to promote internet sales is to create a website to promote and launch your product. Your website can offer your prospects a peak at the product prior to release. This pre-glance provides your prospects with the impression they are among the privileged few to see your product before it goes to market. This encourages customer loyalty.

Creating a press release is a useful tool to create publicity for your product. Present your product from a news anchor's prospective by highlighting the story behind your product, not just the sales pitch. Consumers do not want to hear the sales pitch, but they love an intriguing story. The more interesting the story the greater your chances are of being included in the news and having a successful product launch.

You can attract prospects through affiliates or Joint Venture Partners who are willing to promote and sell your product. This approach is a win-win situation since have help reaching new customers with partners endorsing your product. It's always recommended that you first promote other peoples products, before asking them to promote yours.

You need to build your strategy prior to launch. This will generate consumer interest and start creating a steady stream of business soon than anticipated. The most important part of any product launch is good planning and preparation.

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7 Day Product Launch - What Can Go Wrong?

So you are attempting a seven day product launch and you begin wondering what could possibly go wrong. Plenty! Many things can transpire that will interfere with your seven day product launch plans. If this is your first product launch do not attempt it in seven days. If you have the experience of launching a product previously then you can launch a product in seven days. Otherwise there are many issues facing you if you attempt to launch your first product in seven days.

There are many things that could go wrong. Your web hosting provider may not be able to handle the traffic load to your website during the peak times of your launch campaign. This is something that should be reviewed and tested prior to launching your product campaign. Otherwise you could lose customers and sales once your launch begins due to inadequate bandwidth to handle spikes in your website traffic.

Make sure your website is functioning properly and that all the components are up and running without any issues. Test your payment gateway to make sure credit cards are processing smoothly.

Your seven day launch includes preparing your website content, sales pages and product materials. Ensuring your website, hosting provider and credit card processing applications are working properly and can tolerate the traffic load during your campaign. Make sure your affiliate account has been established and functioning.

This is an extremely aggressive launch plan and you should have prior experience before attempting this. I am aggressively advocating that all this, and more can be done in just seven days.

This is right, in seven days you can accomplish a product launch. When you are organized and know exactly what steps to follow and what needs to be done, you can accomplish a product launch in seven days.

The only limiting factor involved is the upfront research required to develop your product. The key then to a successful seven day product launch is to develop a product that you are familiar with and use website development, hosting services, affiliates and credit card processing that you are familiar with and have successful experience with.

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Product Launch Secrets - Making Your Offer Irresistible to the Consumer

Are you a speaker, promoter, or business owner struggling with any of the following issues?

- Rising business costs - Declining event attendance - Disappearing speaking opportunities - High refunds - Lack of qualified leads to sell your backend opportunities to

If you said yes to any of these, then you're at the right place. We need to send a wakeup call to speakers, promoters and business owners who are sitting on the sideline: if you don't have a launch in your strategic plan, odds are you won't be here in 12 to 18 months. The message is simple: Launch now or die!

Your launch can only by successful if your offer is irresistible to the consumer, and this is another area that most product owners are too stingy on. As the saying goes: "The free line has moved." That is, because of negligible distribution costs, the Internet has commoditized information to the point that specialized knowledge that could have been sold (for $1,000 or more) in the past is now free.

In fact, you should give your best information for free, which creates this reaction in the consumer: "Man, if the free stuff is this good, what is in the paid stuff?" The bar has definitely been raised, and you either adapt or you will be left behind. Thus, you have to take a totally different approach if you wish to have a successful product launch. It starts with being able to offer high quality content during the prelaunch period and give as much value until it hurts.

This includes videos, audios, reports, and even live training: all of this has to be free or else your launch will literally skid off track. This is the time to court the consumer and build a relationship with him, and the fastest way to do that is provide enormous value. So many product owners get "stingy" during the prelaunch process and the launch then fails to create the momentum necessary to create the success it should have been. Decide right now: do you plan on using this powerful new strategy to become a winner or do you want to get left behind and become irrelevant?

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